Wednesday, November 12, 2008

This is for last weeks viewing.

I forgot to mention in my first entry that I used the sample water labeled B, I'm not sure I remember where the sample came from. I'm pretty sure i used the plant labeled 4.
I noticed lots of filamentous green algae today. My population of rotifers grew immensely in the past week, and they have grown in size, too. I found 2 small leeches inching along the glass. There was a strange brown and white nematode near the bottom of the aquarium. I found a large copepod near the bottom, too. It was moving constantly. The Daphnia had grown a lot, and it was moving around in the open water. I found a strange looking diatom, with really long, thin arms, swimming next to some algae. I found a few Arcella. Last, but not least, I found several plasmodial amoebas.

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